Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5.7 5.14 Elder Cheng

Hey everybody!!!

So what i want to share today is a funny incident that always happens to us missionaries and at times we find annoying. usually what we teach first, is the message of the restoration, explaining from God, to prophets, to Jesus Christ, to Apostasy, to Joseph Smith and Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost. almost everytime we get to Joseph Smith and the first vision, guess what happens?? Can you guess it? their Cell phone rings. it is sooooo weird. really, almoste verytime we teach, their cell phone rings at the moment we share about the first vision or the restoration portion. Satan knows that this church is God's true church and he stops at nothing to prevent His children from hearing the true message of the restoration. it's so weird. i dislike when their cell phone goes off at that moment! Just thinking about this just makes me think more about how this church is God's true church! i dont know if any of you have had this experience, but it is really interesting.

other than that, this week has gone by really fast too. we're getting moves calls on monday and we dont know whats going to happen. i dont know if i already told you all, but they are shrinking the missions down. and the China Hong Kong mission is one of them that will be losing missionaries. we were at 150+ missionaries, and i heard that it will be reduced to about 90 missionaries. 14 missionaries are dying (going home) next week and there's only about 1 or 2 coming in. so on our side, we dont know how many companionships they will be closing. i might be moving again, or i might combine with one elder in the other companionship in the district. who knows. this is big change! we've already heard from rumors... good sourced rumors, that elders in one apartment in our zone will be moving out of that one and into another one, subtracting one apartment from the zone. so. who knows!

work is still going on and stuff. investigators are constantly going up or down. right now, we're stuck in a rut because the kids here about to take their government tests that makes or breaks their future. so what they are all doing right now is tutorial and studying. it's like their SATs but each year they take the SAT's to go up in grade. man that's tough. im so glad we dont go through that in america!

ps, we get to call home this week for mother's day! how exciting!

thats about it for now. until next week!
Elder Cheng

Hey all!!!

wow. it is goign to be super crazy here inthe New Territories zone in Hong Kong. so they are shrinking down the mission alot. and just in our zone, they closed down four companionships in our area. one from each of the districts. so what happened with my district is that they closed one companionship and i became comapnions with E Waddoups from Utah. we have double the amoutn of investigators now because both companionships were high on investigators. its going to be hectic but we'll be able to handle it. so i found out that our area, even though it is small, like really small, maybe as big as the UC Berkeley campus, has 500,000 people living in it. so it's not hard to find people. but anyways, also what's different is that the mandarin elders are moving into our apartment. which is cool because i always wanted to learn mandarin and now i can get a jump start at it! so thats so cool. but yeah, there is going to be so much change here in the Chian Hong Kong mission.

actually iwanna share about some miracles that happened this past week. mostly about 24s. (24's is a 24 hour exchange of companions. you go to a new area, or if not, you just get a different companion for a day) there was so much that happened! i was on 24s in another area, and then we contacted a gu really quick in english. we said that we'd be able to help him with english because he's got a test coming up. swtiched numbers and left. that night i went back to my area and itotally forgot about that guy, but the companionship in that area had been seeing him eeyr other day. and i heard thi spast week that he's progressing quickly. he doesnt know 100% that God is there but he's still going to keep trying. when i heard that he was prgoressing, i was so amazed that with a person i contacted really quickly, became a great investigator. 24's is amazing! other stuff happened with 24s as well, but im running out of time. it's just amazing to see so many miracles!

that'll be it for now
until next week
Elder Stanley Cheng

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April 30, 2009 SC

Hello all!

this week is another week just gone by.  but one night, we met some interesting people that really needed help!  one in particular is a boy that is 19years old.  this is his background.  when he was younger, his dad left his family and got another wife in mainland.  because the dad left, the mom committed suicide.  then, his little sister committed suicide only 3 weeks ago because she got pregnant by a gang member.  when that gang member found out she was pregnant, he fled to china to escape being a father.  she was probbably only 13-15 years old too!  so now this boy, who he named himself Zero, is all alone and just goes to work every single day.  he stoppped going to school when he was 14, (that's probably when his mom committed suicide) so he he's been working for 5 years as a barber.  he doesn't take days off of work because he doesnt have friends or family to hang out with even if he has days off.  he'd rather work to make more money... for what? we dont really know.  he goes to the arcade all the time because he says its an easier way to pass time.  his situation is very sad.  we shared about the plan of salvation with him and after the brief overview, he said that he has some hope, now that he sees that this life isn't it.  he says he's gotten a little hope, but now too much.  hopefully we can keep seeing him top bring more hope into his life.  i feel reallys ympathetic towards him because he's only 19 and he's all alone!  i really want to help this kid.

another weird thing is that after meeting him, another guy came up to us and wanted to talk.  we later realized he was mentally handicappped (but didn't look like it), so we left a pamphlet for him and the only thing we could've done was just talk to him and give him some hope.

this area, Tin Shui Wai, is said to be one the most depressing cities in hong kong and it could very well be after meeting poeple here.  this is all the more reason that everybody here needs the gospel!  hopefully, we will continue to be able to find the humble ones and help them receive the gospel.  i know the gospel can help these people.  they just dont know it yet!  i will keep continuing to pray for them!

there's a little bit more that happened, but im running out of time so i'll leave it at that!

until next week!
Elder Stanley Cheng

Elder Stanley Cheng
China Hong Kong Mission
July 2008 - July 2010

5.5 Stanley Cheng

Hellllloo all!!

So this week has been great.  One thing that iwas just excited about last week was that our results were great!  Numbers we have today are different from the missionary work 6 years previous.  We dont call it GQ's anymore.  We dont count how many BofM we give out.  Our key indicators are pretty different.  I was just so happy to finally see our investigators!  They are busy with school or work.  This time of the year is their big testing time.  So it was good to se them.  And we were able to get a lot of members to teach with us.  Also great help.  We have this kid named Eddie, 20.  He is cool and has a desire to hear and learn about the gospel.  What he needs to do is find time to put gospel in his life.  Right now, he's finishing up with hjis last year of school.  So he's really busy into school. His english is good, so i think he should be fine getting into a university.  He's just waiting for the interviews.  He's also in a band as a guitarist and they practice on sundays.  So the big thing we need him to do is come to church.  He's doing everything else; praying and reading.  He just needs to come to church!  Great kid though.  He turned down our baptismal challenge yesterday.  He said he waswnt ready yet and doesnt have neough faith.  But it should be fine, he'll feel ready by the next time we see him, or i know he'll be ready if he comes to church at least once, because i know that church will change his thinking.

We had a mission conference yesterday as well.  The sad part is that the asia area presidency asked that we dont hold massive conferences so we had to split our conference into two days.  Preisndet and sister vandam are sad about that, but they are willing to obey.  Our asia area president used to be Preisdent Hallstrom, now he is in the presidency of the 70.  pretty cool.  There was goodo stuff learned at the mission conference yeterday.  We had different workshops and we heard testimonies of the dying missionaries (missionaries that are returning home).  It was very spiritual.

So this week has been cool.  Nothing super special.  I was happy to see our investigators and visit a lot of members.  My message otday is just to keep up faith.   We shared this topic to amember family the other day and assured them that through our faith, anything can be done.  (Ehter 12) talks about many people who have performed amazing miracles because of their faith.  Think of ways that you can continue to build faith each day.  Some suggestions that ithought of were: pray, read scriptures, bear testimony, carry around a picture of JC so you can always remember him, etc.  be creative!  Keep strong in your faith and the Lord will lift you through your trials.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Until next week!
Elder Stanley Cheng

Elder Stanley Cheng
China Hong Kong Mission
July 2008 - July 2010