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Hello All!!!
I dont have much time again today so i want to leave quick miracle story that happened yesterday, so yesterday we were having companionship inventory and we were trying to better our relationship and then this less active showed up at the chruch! We didnt finish our inventory but the less active insisted on singing hymns because it makes him feel better. He also wanted to resist some temptations and thoughts in his mind that satan was giving him. So after singing hymns with him, he felt better, and so did my compnaion and I. It was just hat we neede to solve our problems: keeping our focus on others and not ourselves.
So whenever tyemptation comes your way. Sing hymns and itll cast satan's thoughts away. It worked ywesterday and it will still continue to work. Have faith and pray and sing hymns! Missionary is amazing! We see mircales so often and it reasssures us that HF has a plan for every single one of us. He is always watchign and protecting us.
Until next week!
Elder Stanley Cheng
Hey Everyone,
I can't believe it's already Thursday once more. I know I'm going to wake up one morning after my mission and feel like it's only been a short dream. Ridiculous.
Things have been going well in general. The toughest thing remains trying to focus for every minute every day. The routine has certainly set in and I'm working against it. With March 16 right around the corner, a little anxiety builds daily.
One funny story: my district was looking at a computer screen and I jokingly tried to stretch and block out their view. A couple people started laughing a lot, and then finally someone told me that a seam right next to my *ahem* behind was exposed. Haha. I have no idea still when I could've ripped them. This marks the second pair of pants that I've messed up already, putting me on pace for about one a month for the rest of my mission. I got the first pair back finally this week, and the cuff is patched well enough to not be noticable.
Now for something more thought provoking. I've been contemplating the role of choices and experiences in our life. I must say that getting my mind around the idea that every trial and struggle can be applied to benefit us is difficult. Often we never see the point of how these ebbs and flows strengthen us in the long run. There have been times in my life where I've said, "Well, if this had turned out this way then I wouldn't have this problem or my life would just be better." I now find this manner of thought futile. Really, every rough patch or constant struggle provides us with a new opportunity to learn. It's why we're here. It takes a consitently positive, upbeat attitude to turn these negatives into something better. I know I have to improve my mindset in that regard. Too often do I let the opinion or actions of others weigh me down. In the MTC, I will admit that ocassionally I have the desire to just be by myself and study because the other missionaries are acting childish. As I start to think about how I'd wish they just simmer down, I have realized that I become just as distracted even though I'm not participating in the conversation.
I'm grateful for every experience in my life. It's how I know for myself what true happiness is.
Okay gotta run sorry but love ya!!!
Elder Ek